Are you interested in modeling for a drawing class? Fill out the form below!

If you haven’t modeled before, I recommend practicing holding poses and using a timer to get comfortable with the process.

For the nude figure drawing class, the session begins with shorter poses lasting up to one minute, which I will time. These poses can incorporate the pole—such as sit variations, climb variations, or even inverted moves. As the session progresses, there will be longer poses of up to 30 minutes. For these longer poses, you can sit or lay down while using the pole as a prop. Breaks will occur every 20–30 minutes to allow you to rest and reset.

For the erotic nude figure drawing class, you have creative freedom to strike any erotic poses you feel comfortable with. Shorter poses can include dynamic or playful use of sex toys as props, while the longer poses, lasting up to 30 minutes, can focus on more relaxed or dramatic postures. Breaks will also be provided every 20–30 minutes.

Thinking of poses can sometimes be challenging, but I’m happy to help guide you with ideas during the session. If you find it difficult to stay still, practicing in advance can be very helpful.

A stage pole will be set up for you as your platform. You may want to bring a robe for breaks, so you don’t have to fully redress between poses.